The official certification of competence for the Vue.js Framework.
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Examination question sets and coding challenges are reviewed by Evan You, creator of Vue.js. Evan’s direct involvement contributes to guaranteeing that the competencies tested are those necessary to achieve the effective use of the Vue.js framework. A percentage of the program revenue from the program goes back to support Vue.js development.
Earning a Vue.js certification showcases that you have the knowledge and skills required to build complex applications using Vue.js. This level of expertise can be attractive to potential employers or clients, as it demonstrates your commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and your ability to deliver high-quality, professional-level work.
Vue.js is a popular front-end framework, and many companies are looking for skilled Vue.js developers. Earning a Vue.js certification can help set you apart from other candidates and make you a more attractive candidate for job openings. Additionally, a certification can lead to higher pay and better career advancement opportunities, as you'll have the skills and qualifications necessary to take on more challenging roles and responsibilities.
Becoming a Certified Vue.js developer can benefit your team with improved morale, productivity, skills, and efficiency. Offering this certification motivates developers to learn new skills, build and ship better products faster, and broaden the variety of skills available. Your team can also improve competence and confidence to handle any task, leading to better knowledge retention and efficiency.
We received more than 2,300 responses from Vue.js Developers to a pre-launch survey conducted about the Certification Program.
The Senior certification package includes both exams, Senior and Developer. If you purchase a Developer certification package it’s possible to upgrade to Senior in the future but the current pricing might not apply at that stage.
All the courses you need to master Vue.js, and the wider ecosystem + The Certificate to prove it!
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